How to limit WiFi speed to particular devices.

Want to restrict users/friends/family from accessing high speed download or upload?
Follow the step with video.

Note: This tutorial is for TP-LINK router.

In this tutorial you will find how to limit WiFi speed to particular devices connected to your WiFi.

Meaning of the following terms:

1. Egress Bandwidth -  upload speed

2. Ingress Bandwidth -  download speed


 IP address of each devices may change every time the devices is connected to your WiFi.

Follow the step for this.

1. Go to  DHCP tab and  Address Reservation and assign a unique IP ADDRESS for that devices.

MAC ADDRESS will be found in  Wireless tab , Wireless Statistics.

Now follow the steps as in video.

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  1. Hi i have someone that moved in with me and her and her bf are on skype 24/7 and slowing down my wifi and kicking me off what can i do to limit her to using this
